House of SLAM

The House of SLAM serves as the principal legislative body of the SLAMai DAO. It consists of representatives elected by .slam NFT holders.

SLAM Improvement Proposals

SLAM Improvement Proposals (SIPs) can be submitted to the DAO by any .slam NFT holder. House members evaluate each SIP and decide which ones should be put up for a vote. The DAO's bylaws govern which types of SIPs can be approved by a House vote and which types require ratification through a vote by all .slam NFT holders.

All House-approved SIPs are then passed to the SLAM Senate for full ratification and enactment by the DAO Administrator.

SLAM Curation Proposals

SLAM Curation Proposals (SCPs) can also be submitted to the DAO by any .slam NFT holder. These SCPs control which web3 data streams will flow through the SLAMagent pipeline and which enriched, proprietary data streams will flow gas-free onto SLAMchain.

SCPs are approved by a House vote with enactment by the DAO Administrator.

Composition & Election

Any .slam NFT holder in good-standing is eligible to run for office as a representative in the House of SLAM.

The DAO's bylaws govern the size and composition of the House, eligibility, length of terms, and election process by .slam NFT holders.

Last updated